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Peacebuilding efforts have been prioritized within the Mindanao region, focusing on establishing a peace agreement between the Philippine government and autonomy-seeking groups, including the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the Mindanao region in March 2019.

This peace agreement consists of two tracks:[1] a political track, leading to the creation of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority, which has served as the interim government of the newly established BARMM;[2] and a normalization track.

The normalization process covers four key aspects:

  1. security 
  2. Socioeconomic development programmes
  3. Transitional justice and reconciliation; and
  4. Confidence-building measures.[3]

The national government is responsible for delivering the normalization process, with the Office of the Presidential Assistant for the Peace Process serving as the secretariat of the Inter-Cabinet Cluster Mechanism on Normalization.[4] Aside from the conflict in BARMM, efforts to address communist insurgency have involved both military operations and attempts at peace negotiations.[5]

The government has emphasized the role that youth can play in improving the country’s peace and security situation. The Philippine National Action Plan on Youth, Peace, and Security (PYAP) is a government initiative introduced in 2022. The plan focuses on four key pillars: participation, protection, prevention and partnership. It emphasizes involving young people in decision-making processes, protecting their rights in conflict-affected areas, addressing the root causes of conflict, and fostering partnerships among various stakeholders. The PYAP demonstrates the government's commitment to empowering youth and promoting their active engagement in peacebuilding efforts.


[1] Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity. (2019). Groundwork for decommissioning of MILF forces, weapons, communities readied..

[2] Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority. (2020). 1st Bangsamoro Development Plan 2020-2022. Chapter 1. The BARMM and the Transition, p.6.

[3] UN Peacemaker. (2014) Annex on Normalization.

[4] President of the Philippines. Executive Order No. 79.