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Risk and Humanitarian Situation

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The Philippines' humanitarian landscape is shaped by a complex interplay of conflict, natural disasters, and health emergencies. While the risk of conflict is generally low across most regions, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) continues to experience clashes.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other disease outbreaks have further compounded the country's vulnerabilities, affecting public health, education, and the economy.

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  • State and Non-State Armed Conflict: The BARMM stands out as an exception where conflict events, particularly between the Philippine Army and groups like the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, persist.
  • Marawi Siege Aftermath: The 2017 Marawi Siege was a significant conflict event, displacing nearly the entire population and leaving lasting impacts on the region.
  • Clan Violence: Rido, or clan-fueled violence, continues to displace thousands annually in BARMM, exacerbating social issues like child exploitation and violent extremism.
  • National Civilian Fatalities: The anti-drug campaign has reportedly resulted in a substantial number of civilian fatalities, with discrepancies between official figures and higher estimates from sources like ACLED.
  • State and Non-State Armed Conflict: The BARMM stands out as an exception where conflict events, particularly between the Philippine Army and groups like the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, persist.
  • Marawi Siege Aftermath: The 2017 Marawi Siege was a significant conflict event, displacing nearly the entire population and leaving lasting impacts on the region.
  • Clan Violence: Rido, or clan-fueled violence, continues to displace thousands annually in BARMM, exacerbating social issues like child exploitation and violent extremism.
  • National Civilian Fatalities: The anti-drug campaign has reportedly resulted in a substantial number of civilian fatalities, with discrepancies between official figures and higher estimates from sources like ACLED.

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  • Pandemic Disruption: COVID-19 has led to widespread disruption, with over 4 million cases and 66,444 deaths. The strict lockdowns have resulted in economic losses and increased food insecurity.
  • Vaccination Efforts: As of March 2023, the Philippines has administered 179,046,746 vaccine doses, reflecting significant efforts to combat the pandemic.
  • Rural Livelihoods and Nutrition: The pandemic has taken a toll on rural livelihoods, with reported losses in income, job opportunities, and disruptions to food supply and healthcare services.
  • Education and Health Services Strain: School closures and strained health services have limited access to education and essential health services, disproportionately affecting children and women.
  • Pandemic Disruption: COVID-19 has led to widespread disruption, with over 4 million cases and 66,444 deaths. The strict lockdowns have resulted in economic losses and increased food insecurity.
  • Vaccination Efforts: As of March 2023, the Philippines has administered 179,046,746 vaccine doses, reflecting significant efforts to combat the pandemic.
  • Rural Livelihoods and Nutrition: The pandemic has taken a toll on rural livelihoods, with reported losses in income, job opportunities, and disruptions to food supply and healthcare services.
  • Education and Health Services Strain: School closures and strained health services have limited access to education and essential health services, disproportionately affecting children and women.

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  • Polio Resurgence: After 19 years polio-free, an outbreak emerged in 2019, stressing the healthcare system and highlighting the need for improved vaccination coverage.
  • Measles Outbreak: A significant measles outbreak resulted in over 40,000 cases and 600 deaths, leading to policy changes to strengthen immunisation programs.
  • Polio Resurgence: After 19 years polio-free, an outbreak emerged in 2019, stressing the healthcare system and highlighting the need for improved vaccination coverage.
  • Measles Outbreak: A significant measles outbreak resulted in over 40,000 cases and 600 deaths, leading to policy changes to strengthen immunisation programs.