Longitudinal Studies

Longitudinal Cohort Study on the Filipino Child: Wave 4 Final Report

Longitudinal Cohort Study on the Filipino Child: Waves 4A, 5 and 5A Final Report
Publisher: USC-Office of Population Studies Foundation, Inc. (OPS), UNFPA

The fourth survey round of the Longitudinal Cohort Study on the Filipino Child (LCSFC) took place during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines. This timing added significance to the data collected, which began in 2016 and aims to continue until 2030. Due to pandemic-related restrictions, data collection was halted early, with 3,079 children surveyed by March 2020. Despite this, the Wave 4 dataset remains valuable, especially for understanding the situation of 13-year-old children and their households just before the pandemic was declared.

Key findings include increased reports of sickness, disability, work, alcohol consumption, and chatting with strangers, alongside higher internet and cellphone use. While physical violence by friends and adults has decreased, violence by parents and hunger remain persistent issues. Future waves will provide further insights into the adolescents’ experiences and the impact of global health threats and societal changes. The LCSFC aims to support national and global goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals and Ambisyon Natin 2040.



Longitudinal Cohort Study on the Filipino Child