Data Report
Situation Analyses

Fixing the Foundations: A Matter of National Survival, EDCOM II Year Two Report

Cover of the EDCOM II Year Two Report titled 'Fixing the Foundations: A Matter of National Survival,' featuring a child sitting on the ground surrounded by scaffolding, symbolizing the rebuilding of structures and the role of education in national development.
Publisher: Second Congressional Commission on Education: EDCOM 2

This report aims to realign priorities toward the foundational stages of learning: on early childhood education and nutrition, and on primary education during which critical competencies are built. It also seeks to strengthen the foundations of our education system, foremost, ensuring the adequacy of classrooms so that students can properly learn, prioritizing that all schools have principals and nonteaching personnel, and empowering them with the resources and support to effect change.


See also: Miseducation: The Failed System of Philippine Education (The EDCOM 2 Year One Report) 


Education Reform